Our loaction



Komovi Hotel is located in the northeast of Montenegro in a small town Andrijevica. It is surrounded by national parks Bjelasica and Prokletije and the regional park "Komovi". River Lim flows trough Andrijevica arising from the Plav lake which is only 25km away. Lim belongs to the Black Sea basin.

Traffic connections

It is very well connected. If you are moving:
- from Podgorica, you can go through the regional road: Podgorica - Kolašin - Ribarevine - Berane - Andrijevica
- from Podgorica, you can go over a mountain road Trešnjevik: Podgorica - Kolašin - Mateševo ​​- Andrijevica. Thus shorten the time for 40km, but you come in the same time period. This is mainly because of the narrow and curvy mountain road. If you are not in a rush, we recommend this route because you can enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings and see the mountain Komovi.
- from Serbia, you can reach us via Brodarevo border crossing - Bijelo Polje - Berane - Andrijevica or from the Rožaje - Berane - Andrijevica.
- from the direction of Kosovo we can be reached through the mountain pass Čakor, through the newly opened road Peć - Čakor - Murino - Andrijevica.

Location of Montenegro

Montenegro is situated on the Balkan peninsula, and extends to only 14.000 km2. Its population is not greater than 670 000 inhabitants. It belongs to a group of southern European and Mediterranean countries. It is one of the most southern European countries. Its shores are being splashing by the southern Adriatic Sea. At about 500 km from Rome, 1.500 km from Paris and Berlin, and about 2,000 km south of Moscow, for Montenegro, we can say that it is the real undiscovered pearl of Europe. There are only a few countries in the world to have that kind of natural beauty in such a small territory. Just five hours drive separates you from swimming in the sea and the skiing in the mountains. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you can do both in the same month.

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Zanovjet plant

Zanovijet is growing in Montenegro on several sites and is one of the most interesting plants in the Balkan flora. German botanist Ziber described it in 1822. as a new plant under the name Cytisus ramentaceus.

Bleak and carp

Skadar Lake is the habitat of bleak and crepe. These two species can't be found anywhere else in the world except in Skadar Lake.

The old oak tree

The largest oak tree in Montenegro is located in the village Pelev Brijeg, near Podgorica. The tree can be barely hugged by four men with open arms. It is around five hundred years old.

Tara canyon

During its watercourse Tara cuts one of the deepest canyon cliffs in the world, for more than 78 km in lenght. Her vertical steep sides are more than 1300 meters tall, which makes Tara canyon deepest in Europe. This canyon is on the list of 25 most significant world natural heritage sites. It is under the protection of UNESCO since 1977. Tara is the longest river in Montenegro - 144 km. It springs from the bottom of mountain Komovi and is constituted from streams Opasanica and Veruša and melting snow and seasonal rains. Just near BiH near Šćepan polje it is joining river Piva, and together river Drina is formed. Drina flows into Sava which then flows into Danube which is confluent of Black Sea basin.

Japan village

Just underneath Komovi mountain on 940masl, and 13 kilometers away from Andrijevica, there is a village of unusual name - Japan. How did the village got its name we can only guess, and there are many tales and legends:

- According to tradition, the village was named after a quarrel of villagers about the Russo-Japanese War in 1904. One part of the population supported the Russians, however, other part of the village were indifferent to the war, so they named them Japan.

- Another legend is based on a story from the time of the Kingdom of Montenegro. Village wiseman and flag-bearer (barjaktar) Samilo Fatić, was a prominent fighter in the war against Austro-Hungarian Empire. Afterwards on a ceremony where he was awarded with medal from King Nikola, King asked him does he have a special wish. He responded that his greatest wish would be to bring water to the village from the source Biruljak. When the king asked him where this village is, he said - "Far away in the unseen, far away as the Japan."

- Resident of the village Čedo Babovic tells his version, which he considers the most accurate. Toponym name Japan "iapanus" which means the mayor (local: krajišnik), or guardian of the borderland. This version dates back from the 13th century.

One thing is certain, as soon as the sun comes above mountain Komovo, first light shines on village Japan, and during the spring cherries blossom just like the land of the rising sun.

The highest in the world

According to some polls, people in Montenegro are the tallest in the world, with an average height for men of almost 186 cm and an average height of 171cm women.


The first South Slavic sailor who has traveled the world

Ivo Vizin, sea captain from Prčanj was the first Montenegrin mariner, and the first man from the south Slovenian countries who sailed around the world between 1852 and 1859. He had a sailboat 30 meters long, whose capacity was 311 tons. His name was Splendid and had 11 crew members. Starting from the Belgian port of Antwerp, Ivo is in its nine-year path crossed 100,000 miles. Among other things, he was in the Chilean port of Valparaiso, San Francisco, Honolulu, Far East, Singapore and Cape of Good Hope

Đalovića gorge

Cave in Đalovića gorge is one of the most beautiful of its kind in the world. So far, speleologist have discovered about 11,750 square meters of underwater corridors. The cave has several halls heigher than 50 meters. Also, over 45 indor lakes are considered a special attraction.

Obod printing press

Montenegro is the first country in the world with a national printing press house. Lord of Zeta, Đurađ Crnojević brought the printing press equipment from Venice in 1493., only four years after Gutenberg invented the modern printing skills. Thus, Obod in Cetinje got a printing press before all the current European and world capitals, with only exception being Rome (1467), Paris (1470) and Budim (1473). Just a year after the discovery of America (1493) Cetinje was publishing "Oktoih", a masterpiece of printing and the first printed book in the Balkans.

Old olive tree

The oldest tree in Europe is located by the road that leads from Bar to Ulcinj. It is the olive tree, which is over two thousand years old. The scope of the tree is somewhere about ten meters. It is under the state protection and became a tourist attraction. Italian representatives offered millions of liras (Italian currency at that time) to the dig her from the roots and transfer it to Rome.

Kanjon nevidio

Canyon Nevidio located on river Komarnica is the cruelest canyon in the world. Nevidio could be translated as “never seen” or “not seen”. The first time in recorded history a human foot crossed this canyon was back in 1965, so that is probably how it got the name. It is located on a place 50 km away from Žabljak towards Šavnik. It is about 3.5 km long. The canyon is abundant with waterfalls, whirlpools, narrow channels, vertical cliffs and with sparkling waterfalls, which makes it an extremely attractive destination for adventure lovers. In some places the cliffs are narrow down to half a meter and their height can reach almost 400m.

Highest settlement on Balkans

Žabjak is the highest settlement in Balkans. It is located at an altitude of 1450 meters and covers an area of 445 km2 where over 4500 inhabitants live. Just above it rises the Durmitor Bobotov kuk wich is 2523 meters high.

Plant species

There are 2,833 plant species and subspecies in Montenegro, including 22 plants that can not be found anywhere else in the world. Among them there are 220 plants spicies typical only for the Balkan Peninsula.

The oldest glass in Europe

The oldest and best preserved glass found on the territory of Europe, with the name of Diatreta dating back to 4th century BC was found near Pljevlja. Diaret is a glass cage vase decorated with blue glass fibers. It is considered priceless and the only of its kind in the world.


The Cathedral of Saint Tryphon

The Cathedral of Saint Tryphon in Kotor is one of the oldest churches in Europe. It was built in year 1166. By comparison, it is 69 years older than the most famous cathedral Nottre Dame in Paris.

River Bojana

Bojana River is the only river in the world that flows in both directions.

The beginnings of skiing in Montenegro

Beginning of skiing tradition in Montenegro is linked to the Friedrich Angel, who was coming to Montenegro back in 1893 all the way from Norway. Once here, he was training local Montenegrins to ski, which was previously not so common in Montenegro. Back then, skiing training was mainly used for easier movement in wartime, while today it is a sport that attracts a lot of people here and develops winter tourism in Montenegro.

Biogradska gora

Biogradska Gora is, besides Perućica in Bosnia, the only primeval forest in Europe. As a unique corner of untouched primeval nature it has been under state protection for more than a century. Biogradska Gora is a “natural laboratory” of plant and animal life. Scientists have concluded that it contains 25 plant communities and 84 tree species. You can find tree giants that grow there - reaching heights of 60 meters. Some are more than five hundred years old. At the heart of it lies hers most beautiful ornament – Biogradsko jezero (lake).

Prvi automobil u Crnoj Gori

The first car in Montenegro was acquired at July 1902.,It was only two years after the first car was produced in the world. The car arrived trough tracks from Kotor to Cetinje, and as he was approaching, the faster was the voice of "an unprecedented miracle" that has mobilized young and old alike. Everybody that was able to go out took to the surrounding hills to see the "miracle of iron”, which was “pushed by some a forca (force) from the inside" and “Karoča (carriage) without horses which screams on the road”. In it was the Prince de Bourbon, son of Don Carlos, the Spanish pretender who served in imperial - Russian Guard.

The first botanical garden in Montenegro

The founder of the first botanical garden of mountain flora in Montenegro is Danijel Vincek. Vincek raised his garden in Dulovine at Kolasin. Among other things, he is the writer of the "Mountain guide of Montenegro" and tourist guide "Jerinja glava" which is located in Bjelasica mountain region on a peak above town Andrijevica.

Fresco "Raven feeds the prophet Ilija (Elijah)"

This fresco, which is kept in the Monastery Moraca, Pablo Picasso included in the list of masterpieces of world art. The fresco is from the 16th century and represents a transition over the so-called "plastic" style, which began in the 13 th century.

The first radio telegraph station in the Balkans

It was put into operation on Volujica near Bar at 3. August 1904. It was working at a wavelength of 500 meters and had a range of 200km. Mainly it was used for postal purposes, maritime transport and diplomacy in Cetinje. Volujica was connected with the station San Cataldo in Bari, and through it, with Western Europe.

The distribution of mail by car

Montenegro was the first state in Europe which introduced postal services distributed with state car. The service started working on July 6, 1903. This car was purchased in Paris, produced by the firm "Delahaye". It was ten seater, hard rubber tires and motor with 16 horsepower. It was able to reach speeds up to 15 kilometers per hour. Locals at that time called the car "Karoča (carriage) without horses which screams on the road" and "miracle of iron". It took 5 hours and 45 minutes to drive from Cetinje to Nikšić.

Church at Carine

Church Sveti Ilija which is built under the southern slopes of Komovi mountain is the most highly allocated temple in Europe. It is situated at altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. Just above the entrance of the church the inscription is engraved: "This temple raises his Highness Prince Nikola Petrovic, in the loving memory of his father Duke Mirko Petrovic Njegos, to courageous tribe Kuči in 1900."